Prayer | Psalm 28:6-7

Prayer | Psalm 28:6-7

As great a warrior as David was, he still found himself on the run for his life periodically.  And yet, despite his sometimes difficult circumstances, he took comfort knowing that God heard his voice and his prayers.

Bible Verse

Psalms 28:6-7 (NASB) 6 Blessed be the LORD, Because He has heard the voice of my supplication. 7 The LORD is my strength and my shield; My heart trusts in Him, and I am helped; Therefore my heart exults, And with my song I shall thank Him.

When we pray, we can have confidence that God hears our voice.  He hears our prayers and our requests.  David was a great man of God, and he fought many tough battles and made very many enemies.  Some of those enemies of David’s wanted nothing more than to see him executed.  As great a warrior as David was, he still found himself on the run for his life periodically.  And yet, despite his circumstances, he took comfort knowing that God heard his voice and his prayers.  David knew that, even in his most dire circumstances, God was his strength and his protection.  He knew that God would shield him from his enemies because he knew that God heard his prayers.

David’s faith in God was not surface deep.  His faith ran much deeper.  David trusted God from his heart, from the very soul of his being.  Perhaps it was because of the deadly circumstances that he faced and escaped because God saved him.  The point is that David trusted God from deep within and knew that God helped him in every situation and circumstance.  Because of what God did for him, and because he knew that God heard his prayers, David was able to sing songs of heartfelt thanks to God.  When is the last time I trusted and thanked God so much that I sang praises to Him?


God deserves our heartfelt thanks and praise because of His majesty.  Because He hears us, provides us with the strength we need to endure, and because He is our shield against the enemy, He alone deserves our praise.  God deserves the highest praise and thanks that we can offer Him because of what He does for each of us every moment of every day.

How has God delivered and protected you in times of distress?

Have you taken the time to offer Him your heartfelt thanks for hearing your prayers and for the strength and protection He provides?

Take time to thank God for the specific things He has done for you recently.


Lord, thank You that You hear my voice and my prayers, and You answer them according to Your will.  Thank you that you provide me strength when I am weak, and You protect me from my enemies.

If you want to know more about having a relationship with Jesus, see the resources: How to Know God.