Wisdom | Ecclesiastes 7:12

Wisdom | Ecclesiastes 7:12

Wisdom | Ecclesiastes 7:12

God wants nothing more than for each person to learn to trust Him and have faith in His ability to preserve, protect and provide.

Bible Verse

Ecclesiastes 7:12 (NASB) 12 For wisdom is protection just as money is protection, But the advantage of knowledge is that wisdom preserves the lives of its possessors.


There is no doubt that in this world those who have money can find protection.  The problem is that the protection money offers is of this world and is temporal.  There is no eternal protection that can be offered by possessing money and the protection it can buy.  We are told in the New Testament that money is a root of all evil.  If we are not very careful, money can corrupt.  It can also give a false sense of security.  Stock markets crash, cars break, and houses can be easily destroyed.  Money offers no protection against these kinds of natural and physical disasters.  If we place our trust and faith in money, we will end up sorely disappointed.  Money creates a false sense of security and a false sense of self-reliance when time get difficult.

Wisdom, on the other hand, provides eternal protection.  When we rely on the wisdom offered by God our life will be preserved no matter what difficulty we face in this life.  When difficulty comes, wisdom directs our focus onto God and the protection and provision that can only be found in Him.  God wants nothing more than for each person to learn to trust Him and have faith in His ability to preserve, protect and provide.  Everything that the world has to offer is vanity and striving after wind.  Can we find where the wind begins and where it ends, no.  If we try to chase the wind, we run in vain.  Why not chase after the truth and wisdom that will set us free and protect us both in this life and in the life to come?


In 1 John we are told that we can know that we abide in Him and He in us because He has given us of His Holy Spirit (1 John 4:13).  God gives us His Spirit to guide and direct our path.  When we seek after the knowledge and wisdom of God, we learn to abide in Him.  When we learn to abide in Him, we understand that any difficulty we face in this life is temporary and that if we remain faithful to Him, He will protect us in this life and in the life to come.

Are you seeking the knowledge and wisdom of God?

Are you learning to abide in Him?

Ask Him today to grant you the knowledge and wisdom of His ways.


Lord, thank You for the perfect knowledge and wisdom that You offer to each of us.  Help me to seek Your knowledge and Your wisdom above all else.

If you want to know more about having a relationship with Jesus, see the resources: How to Know God.
