When attacks come, and they will, I need to constantly remind myself that God uses people exactly like me to reach those who need to hear His message.
Bible Verse
2 Corinthians 12:10 (NASB) 10 Therefore I am well content with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, with difficulties, for Christ’s sake; for when I am weak, then I am strong.
Strength in Christ
It is easy to be beaten down by the world. The world does not just work against us in a tangible sense, but also in an intangible and spiritual sense. The life of Paul is evidence of the difficulty we will face in this world. Paul was persecuted by the people and the rulers of the world in his time. He was beaten, arrested, imprisoned, and eventually executed. And yet, he continued to spread God’s message of love and salvation to a lost and hurting world. Paul was more committed to spreading the message of Jesus, than he was deterred by the world’s attempts to stop him. I have seen in my own life, the attacks to which I am subjected. The level of attack that I face is typically in proportion to the degree to which I am headed in the direction God wants me to go.
Every time I begin to participate in a new ministry or take an existing ministry to a new level, Satan ramps up the level of attack to which I am subjected. Sometimes it is as simple as work-related scheduling conflicts with “critical” meetings that always overlap with a ministry activity. Sometimes the attacks are more insidious and spiritual in nature. I can be plagued with temptations of a former way of life, or the constant thought being placed in my mind that God can never use a person like me to further God’s kingdom work. When these attacks come, and they will, I need to constantly remind myself that God uses people exactly like me to reach those who need to hear His message. Who better to deliver a message of good news, forgiveness, and salvation than one who has walked in the shoes of the one who is the focus of the ministry?
Do not be discouraged by the difficulties that you face in life. It is part of the walk of faith. These difficulties are designed to strengthen our resolve and our faith in Him. It is in difficult times that God reminds us that we need Him for every aspect of our being and that we cannot do life alone. Do not be discouraged by your suffering, rather rejoice that God is building you up to be even more useful in His kingdom work.
How is your walk of faith being attacked today?
Take time to lay these attacks at the feet of God and seek His strength and His shelter.
Lord, thank You that I face difficulties in this life. It is not easy to rejoice in adversity, but we can rejoice that we are strengthened for Your service when we allow ourselves to be trained by our situations, not defeated by them.
If you want to know more about having a relationship with Jesus, see the resources: How to Know God.
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