Repentance | Psalm 32:5

Repentance | Psalm 32:5

Not only does God forgive the sin when we repent, but He also forgives the guilt of our sin.

Bible Verse

Psalms 32:5 5 I acknowledged my sin to You, And my iniquity I did not hide; I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the LORD”; And You forgave the guilt of my sin. Selah.

Even as Christians we are going to do things that are wrong in God’s eyes.  We will commit sin and do things that displease Him.  In verses 3 & 4, David talks about the effect sin had on his life.  Unconfessed sin had a devastating effect on him.  He found his body wasting away, he felt the weight of God’s hand upon him, and he was completely drained of energy.  David describes the drained feeling as though it were in the heat of summer.  We have all worked outside in the heat of the day and have experienced the draining effect of the sun.  I know when I am done working in the heat of the day, I have no energy left to do anything.  This is the effect unconfessed sin was having on David and will have on us.

There is a solution, however, to the sin situation.  In verse 5 David instructs us to acknowledge our sin.  We cannot hide our sin from God, so why even try.  When we become aware of sins that we have committed, we must confess them to Him.  He already knows, so we must take responsibility for our actions and ask His forgiveness.  When we confess our sins, the tremendous weight and burden of sin is lifted.  We are freed from the sin that Satan uses to drag us down.  Not only does God forgive the sin when we repent, but He also forgives the guilt of our sin.


God is a loving God who will forgive sin, but we must take the first step.  We must come to Him and confess our sin and our wrongdoing.  We cannot continue to try and hide our sin from Him.  Only after we have confessed our sin to Him will He forgive and lift the burden the sin causes in our lives.

Do you have any unconfessed sin in your life?

Will you take time today to confess your sin to Him and allow Him to then forgive you?


Lord, thank You for the forgiveness of sin that we find in You when we confess.  Help me to acknowledge my sins and confess them before You.

If you want to know more about having a relationship with Jesus, see the resources: How to Know God.
