Refuge | Psalm 5:11-12

Refuge | Psalm 5:11-12

Our God provides us a place of refuge in Him where we can be restored and be glad in Him.

Bible Verse

Psalms 5:11-12 (NASB) 11 But let all who take refuge in You be glad, Let them ever sing for joy; And may You shelter them, That those who love Your name may exult in You. 12 For it is You who blesses the righteous man, O LORD, You surround him with favor as with a shield.


David starts these verses by telling us that all who take refuge in God can be glad and sing for joy. Of course, the first step is that we must take refuge in Him. We must seek out God if we want to find His refuge. Finding that place of shelter requires us to take the first step toward God. And when we do, He provides us that place of shelter. It is a place where gladness, singing, and joy persist. Because God provides us this place of shelter we are to exult in Him. We are to lift up God and praise Him for the deliverance that He provides us from whatever attack or difficulty we are facing. It is God who blesses the righteous man. And it is God who surrounds us with favor as with a shield.


When we experience the difficulties of life, it can seem like all joy has gone. Whether it is an addiction, an illness, or something else; if we take responsibility for taking the first step toward Him, He will surround us with His favor as with a shield. God provides us with a place of safety when we seek Him out. When we seek Him, He provides us a place of refuge and a place of safety and shelter. The hardest step is always the first step. It takes courage to say that I cannot do this on my own. It takes courage to admit that we need help, particularly from a God who we cannot see in a physical sense. But when we take that first step and seek Him out, we will experience His peace and His protection. God will protect you from whatever difficulties may come your way in life.

What difficulty are you facing in life today?

Have you sought out God and asked to take refuge and shelter in Him?

Meditate on these verses and ask God to give you the courage to take the first step toward taking refuge in Him today.


Lord, thank You that You are a God who provides shelter and refuge to those who seek them out in You. Help me to take the first step toward You. Please provide me with the shelter that I need today.

If you want to know more about having a relationship with Jesus, see the resources: How to Know God.



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