Refuge | Nahum 1:7

Refuge | Nahum 1:7

God’s love for us is so great that it cannot be measured or understood from our limited human perspective.

Bible Verse

Nahum 1:7 (NASB) 7 The LORD is good, A stronghold in the day of trouble, And He knows those who take refuge in Him.


We serve a good God.  He has provided so much for each one of us.  We are special to Him, and He knows everything about everyone of us.  God’s love for us is so great that it cannot be measured or understood from our limited human perspective.  Nahum reminds us that our God is our stronghold, and He knows those who take refuge in Him.  Notice the way Nahum says that He is our stronghold in the day of trouble.  The Christian life is not an easy one.  In fact, one truth we know without any doubt is that when we choose to follow Jesus in faith, our life will become more difficult.  Our perspective shifts from a worldly perspective to an eternal perspective.  While many of our battles may be fought against flesh and blood, the entities behind the battles we face are spiritual in nature.  Our battle is one of unseen spiritual warfare and it is a difficult fight.

It is important that, as we fight the daily battles we will fight, we remember that God is our stronghold.  He is the one solid anchor point that we have throughout the day, every day.  No matter how intense the battle becomes, God provides us with the one and only anchor point that will never move.  It is also so very easy to feel like we are stuck out in the fight alone.  When we begin to feel this way, we need to seek out God and take refuge in Him.  We can take peace and comfort knowing that He knows those who seek Him and take refuge in Him.  We are not lone faceless warriors in a never-ending battle.  We have a Commander who knows us and provides us shelter when we need it most.


The Christian walk is a difficult walk.  We are faced with temptation, sometimes with nearly overwhelming pressure to cave into the temptation.  Sometimes the struggles and the difficulties we face have nothing to do with our own sinfulness or weakness.  Look at the life of Job.  His life was ruined by Satan and yet He did not waver in his faith in his God.

Are you facing difficulty in your life today?

Take that difficulty and turn it over to God and then seek refuge in Him.  Trust in Him that He will protect you from the attacks you face today.


Lord, thank You that You alone are our stronghold and that You know everyone who takes refuge in You.  Help me to seek You today as the stronghold that You have promised to be.

If you want to know more about having a relationship with Jesus, see the resources: How to Know God.
