Hope | Psalm 71:5

Hope | Psalm 71:5

As harsh as it may sound, the world does not lead me to any form of enlightenment or satisfaction.  It leads me to a realization of complete and utter emptiness.

Bible Verse

Psalms 71:5 (NASB) 5 For You are my hope; O Lord GOD, You are my confidence from my youth.

It seems that we are all searching, at some level for hope.  When I stop and look at what causes me grief or concern, I can usually reduce the problem to a deep-seated need to find hope.  When my focus is on the things of this world, my hope is strained to the snapping point.  The world whispers in my ear that I just need to follow its path to hope.  And yet, at the end of that path I find nothing more than emptiness, sadness, and even despair.  The hope the world has to offer is a false hope.  It is a hope that is designed to increase the chasm between me and the true God of this world.  When I reach the end of the world path to hope, I find disappointment, betrayal, and a deep sense of loss.  As harsh as it may sound, the world does not lead me to any form of enlightenment or satisfaction.  It leads me to a realization of complete emptiness.  And that is because the path is wide that leads to destruction (Matthew 7:13).

The God of the Bible, and yes, my God, provides me with a path that leads to true, lasting, and eternal hope.  For centuries, the God of the Bible has shown His grace and mercy.  Time and time again He has displayed grace and forgiveness despite the propensity of His people to wander and stray from Him.  The influence of the world is strong.  If I am not constantly grounded in His teachings, the world will cause me to wander down the wrong path in search of hope.  My only defense against the influence of the world is to keep my heart, mind, and eyes focused on and wholly committed to Him.  Why is it so hard to follow the path to hope that our God has laid before us?  We have evidence of God’s grace and goodness in every page and word recorded in the Bible.  Yet, the influence of Satan in this world is so strong that if I allow my eyes to wander for even a moment, I find myself on a path to complete and total loss.


Do you feel hopeless today?  If so, take time to examine why you feel hopeless.  Are you following the path God has laid before you, or have you taken a detour laid in front of you by Satan?

If you feel hopeless today, take time to truly and honestly evaluate your priorities and the path you have chosen to follow.

Have you allowed Satan to seduce you into following a worldly path to hope?

Take time to ask God’s forgiveness and ask Him to show you the path He has laid before You, the path that leads to eternal hope.  Spend time with God in His word and listening to His message.  You will never be disappointed!


Lord, thank You that You are the one true pathway to hope.  Help me to seek You and the hope that You offer.

If you want to know more about having a relationship with Jesus, see the resources: How to Know God.