Really examining my life against God’s Word and Christ’s example generally reveals the sins of which I need to confess and be forgiven.
Bible Verse
1 John 1:9 (ESV) 9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
One of the responsibilities I have as a believer is to confess my sins. God’s promise to me is that if I confess my sins, He will not just forgive me of those sins, but He will cleanse me from all unrighteousness. There are undoubtedly things I do throughout the day that are sinful and I am not even aware that I have committed a sin. He promises to be faithful to forgive me for the sins of which I am not aware if I am faithful to confess the sins of which I am aware. That is an incredibly gracious position for God to take with me. We serve a loving God who is willing to cleanse us from all our unrighteousness if we are willing to repent.
I do a lot of things throughout my days and weeks that I wish I could take back. Those things I wish I could take back…they are sins, plain and simple. Yet they are never so plain, and they are never so simple. I am always dealing with layers of complexity. Just when I think I have uncovered the source of my temptation and sin, I find something else buried even deeper. In business we call it peeling back the layers of an onion. There is always another layer. And like an onion, when those layers of sin and self-deceit are peeled back, they bring tears to my eyes. I need to learn to spend time with God and allow Him to reveal those areas of my life that need to be changed. I then need to learn to allow God to change me from the inside out.
I must take the first step and confess. God will then forgive me of my sin and cleanse me from ALL my unrighteousness. I need to be reminded that I am cleansed from my past transgressions. I must never allow Satan to use my past against me. If I confess, God forgives my sins and remembers them no more.
What sin in your life is holding you back?
Have you confessed that sin?
Take time today to confess your sins and allow God to forgive and cleanse you.
Lord, thank you that you hear my confessions and that You forgive and cleanse me. Help me to follow Your example of forgiveness.
If you want to know more about having a relationship with Jesus, see the resources: How to Know God.