Prayer | Job 5:8-9

Prayer | Job 5:8-9

In the midst of all the horrible things that happened to him, Job still sought God in prayer.  He placed his cause before God because he knew and understood that God was capable of doing great and unsearchable things. 

Bible Verse

Job 5:8-9 (NASB) 8 “But as for me, I would seek God, And I would place my cause before God; 9 Who does great and unsearchable things, Wonders without number.

Job was a man who had every reason to be bitter.  By the world’s standards, he had everything.  He had wealth, possessions, a great family, and the respect of those in his city.  But Job was also, and perhaps more importantly, a man of God.  God knew Job’s heart and knew Him to be an honorable man who was committed to God and grateful for all God had given him.  Through no fault of his own, and through no bad action on his part, he became the object of Satan’s attacks.  While God did not cause Job’s downfall, he did allow Satan to inflict great pain and suffering on Job for the express purpose of proving to Satan that Job was completely committed to God.  God knew that Job would not turn his back on Him.

At this point Job has lost everything.  He lost all his possessions, all his wealth, all his children, all his friends and he was afflicted with a disease that had him living in the equivalent of the city dump among garbage and rotting things.  In the span of just a couple of days, Job went from a position of honor to the lowest position in life.  Yet, in these verses we see Job’s true character.  In the midst of all the horrible things that happened to him, Job still sought God in prayer.  He placed his cause before God because he knew and understood that God was capable of doing great and unsearchable things.  Job knew that he could not count all the good God had done in his life and in the lives of others.


Despite his situation, Job remained a man of complete honor and integrity before God.  While he was angry about his situation and did not understand why these horrible things happened to him, Job never sinned against God in the things that he said.  Job knew that God provided, and that God allows things to be taken away.  Job rested sure in the knowledge that all things were in God’s control even if he did not understand what was happening and why.

Do you understand that God is capable of doing great and unsearchable things in your life?

Are you still willing to pray to God and place your situation(s) before Him even if you do not understand why you are in these situations?


Lord, thank You for the example of Job.  Help me to be a man of God like Job, willing to come to You in prayer even when I do not understand my circumstances.

If you want to know more about having a relationship with Jesus, see the resources: How to Know God.