Faith | Daniel 6:16

Faith | Daniel 6:16

Our faith shows forth to those around us even when we may not realize that they are watching.

Bible Verse

Daniel 6:16 (NASB) 16 Then the king gave orders, and Daniel was brought in and cast into the lions’ den. The king spoke and said to Daniel, “ Your God whom you constantly serve will Himself deliver you.”


The people around us, those with whom we come in contact daily, are often watching us to see if we live the faith we profess. King Nebuchadnezzar’s advisors tricked him into signing an order to throw anyone who does not bow down to him into the lion’s den. They did this because they wanted Daniel to be executed. They knew they would never catch him in dishonest dealings because of his faith and his integrity. They also knew that Daniel, because of his faith, would never bow down and worship anyone other than his God. The order they tricked the king into signing had one purpose. And that purpose was to catch Daniel violating the order and therefore subject him to the punishment of being thrown into the lion’s den. The king’s advisors encouraged the order and suggested the punishment to be handed down for violating the order.


The king was distraught that he had signed the order. It was an order that could not be violated. Neither could the punishment be waived. The king had no choice but to go through with the punishment. The king knew of Daniel’s faith. His last words to Daniel before casting him into the lion’s den was that God will deliver him. Daniel’s faith showed forth to everyone around him. He was a man of constant faith. Like Daniel, we are to live our faith in a way that others see that we are different. By showing forth our faith, others may come to the same saving faith in Jesus that we ourselves have. There may be some who attack us for our faith. However, like Daniel, we can have confidence that our God will deliver us from the evil that we face.

Do you allow your faith to show to those around you?

Do you trust God that He will deliver you when you are attacked for your faith?

Consider Daniel and both the consequences and the rewards of living his faith for all to see.


Lord, thank You that You are a God who protects those who have faith in You. Help my faith to increase daily.

If you want to know more about having a relationship with Jesus, see the resources: How to Know God.



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